
A def is a function. It’s a way to structure Omni code with re-usable functions.

def mySum(a, b):
    return a + b

    out1 = mySum(in1, in2)

The types of the arguments and the return type of a def are inferred by the calling context. This means that the def mySum can be called on whatever type that supports the + operator.

x      = mySum(1, 2)      #returns an int, but x will change it to float
x2 int = mySum(1, 2)      #this will preserve the int
y      = mySum(1.0, 2.0)  #returns a float
z      = mySum(1, 2.0)    #returns a float

Types can be forced by appending the type to the argument name.

def myIntSum(a float, b float):
    return a + b

Default values can be simply added with a = operator.

def mySum(a = 0, b = 0):
    return a + b

The return type can also be forced with either of these two syntaxes:

def mySum(a = 0, b = 0) float:
    return a + b

def myOtherSum(a = 0, b = 0) -> float:
    return a + b

Also, def supports the use of generics. Generics in Omni can only represent number types (int, int32, int64, float, float32, float64). As with variable declaration, generic defs default their types to floats. To act otherwise, this must explicitly be called

def myGenericSum[T, Y](a T, b Y):
    return a + b

    print myGenericSum(1, 2)             #[float, float] -> float
    print myGenericSum[int, int](1, 2)   #[int, int] -> int
    print myGenericSum[int, float](1, 2) #[int, float] -> float

When using a recursive def, the return type must always be specified. It can also just be a generic type.


def factorial(x) float:
    if x <= 1: return 1.0
    return x * factorial(x - 1)

    print factorial(x)

    out1 = 0.0

When passing structs (more on them in the next section) to a def, they are passed by reference, meaning that they can be accessed and their values can be modified in place.

struct Vector:
    x; y; z

def updateVec(vec, x, y, z):
    vec.x = x
    vec.y = y
    vec.z = z

    vec = Vector()
    vec.updateVec(10, 20, 30)
    print vec.x
    print vec.y
    print vec.z

Next: 06 - Custom types: struct