
The init block is an optional block that takes care of initializing and storing all variables that might be needed in your algorithm. This is also where the creation of any struct (more on them later) should happen.

  1. Here myVariable is created in the init block and passed over the sample block (more on it later). myVariable can then be accessed and modified in the sample block, creating an increasing ramp over one second that goes from 0 to samplerate (samplerate is a keyword to retrieve the current system samplerate).

         myVariable = 0
         out1 = myVariable
         myVariable = (myVariable + 1) % samplerate
  2. This is a slightly more complex example that shows the use of memory allocation via the creation of a Delay (more on it later). Here is also used the build block, which only passes specific variables to sample, as init passes by default all declared variables in its scope.

     ins: input
     params: delayTime {0.5, 0, 1}
         myDelay = Delay(samplerate)
         #the build block only passes specific variables to perform/sample
         #write input to the delay line
         #input + read of the delay line, using the delayTime param as a delay time control
         outVal = (input * 0.5) + ( * samplerate) * 0.5)
         out1 = outVal

Next: 04 - The perform and sample blocks